
Showing posts from February, 2020

Conceptual Photography


Letter to the Past

Dear Jordan,       You will be taking a Photography class in your junior year of high school. It is a cool class but it can be hard to keep up with all of the assignments. In order to be successful in the class you must manage your time efficiently in order to insure that you get every assignment completed on time. Make sure to use your class time correctly and spend that time working on each of your projects to make them look the best that they can. When it comes to thinking of ideas for projects, make sure to always think of more than one idea. Mr. Klein always says that "You're first idea is never you're best one".        In regards to taking photos, make sure that you always take multiple shots from different angles and different lighting. This will insure that you get the best possible final photo to turn in to Mr. Klein. It is important that you take at least 24 photos while shooting in order to create an index print (requ...

The Importance of Art

      Art, music, and theater classes are an important part of the high school experience. They offer students a variety of different programs to enroll in to express their creativity. These programs allow students to explore their interests and potentially decide what they would like to do in the future. Additionally, art classes allow students to relax during the school day and forget about the worries of academic classes.       While important, public school should not be all about getting students ready for the workforce. It is essential that students learn other skills other than those taught in an academic class. Art programs teach students new things and create well-rounded people. These programs may also lead students to discover a job in the arts that they wish to pursue in the future, and help them to solve problems creatively. It is important for students to have some sort of creative outlet, whether that is art, theater, or ...

Daily Dozen


What Art? 1

1. The mood of the images is defiant. The expression on the faces of the models is daring and looks to show defiance towards authority. The posture of both women shows authority and represents a challenge to authority. 2. I believe that these images were created with paint on a human canvas. It looks like the artist painted on the face and body of the subjects. The brush strokes are large and bold and the artist used bright colors. I believe that these aspects further express the idea of defiance represented in the images. 3. I believe that the artist was trying to convey a feeling of defiance towards authority. The author was trying to advocate women empowerment, showing that women are not subject to the authority of anyone else. The author was probably trying to evoke a feeling of power and support for the idea represented. In my opinion, she was successful in getting her point across to viewers.