Cubism Questions

1. McNally's Steps:

1. Choose a location to portray and compose a photograph.
2. Set up a digital camera and standing in one spot, begin shooting photos.
3. Slowly rotating, zoom all the way in on your camera and take pictures in horizontal rows (from top to bottom of the focus).
4. Continue on the next row and the next until you have photographed your entire object. 
5. Upload the photos onto photoshop and begin puzzling them together to create a whole image, resizing each image to make them fit.
2. How many photographs do you think were used in the composition?

I believe he used about 26 photos.
3. Were all of the photos taken at the same time of day?

It looks that all of the photos were not taken the same day due tp different lighting and people in each photo. If the photos were taken the same day, they would have had to be taken at different times of the day.
4. Are there any obvious post-processing (Photoshop) enhancements?

From what I can tell, the blur tool was used to blend the collection of images together better and a filter was put over the image to make it look more grainy and aged.
5. Any other considerations?

When taking the photos for the image, I believe that McNally stood in one spot and only rotated his body to take all of the photos. By zooming in all the way on his camera, he was better able to get multiple views of his focus.
